Getting Your Home Ready for Fall

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! After what was starting to become a really overwhelming summer, I decided to take a step back until the fall to allow myself a little more time to myself, as well as an opportunity to wrap up some freelance projects, and get back on track with this online space. Now that it’s September, I’m finally feeling like I got the rest I needed, and I’m ready to jump back into creating content for you!

If you’re new to my blog, firstly - welcome, hello & thank you for reading! But secondly, you may not know that my absolute favourite time of the year is the autumn season. I always count down the days until I can buy an obscene amount of pumpkins, and pull out all of my autumn decor, which leads me to today’s blog post — getting your home ready for the fall. Here are some ways I like to prep my space for the new season.

A pile of various pale orange and green pumpkins.

Start by Tidying Up My Space

Before I even start thinking about decorating, I like to clean up my space. You know how it goes, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the surfaces. If I’m going to be taking the time to decorate my space, I want to make sure it’s in it’s most presentable shape. This also includes taking down any summer-specific decor items.

Going Through My Current Decor

Over the last few years, it’s been so easy to march right into HomeSense & Michaels, and just start buying new fall decor, but storage does in fact, have a limit, unfortunately. So this year, instead of impulse buying cute fall decor (as much as I really, really want to), I’m going through my current fall decor to see what I have, what I want to use & what I’d like to potentially donate.

A small faux wooden white pumpkin sitting in front of a metal vase filled with faux white magnolia flowers.
Woman’s shoes standing in front of a door mat saying “Gather”, surrounded by a pumpkin and yellow mums.

Considering Function First

Most decor really comes down to just looking good over being functional, there’s no denying that, but there are definitely items that have function too! I want to make sure that when I’m preparing my home for a new season, that I’m not just considering how cute everything will look. For example, instead of putting a large piece of decor in the middle of the dining table knowing that I’ll need to move it for every meal, I’m going to place it somewhere that won’t need to be moved in order to perform a normal day-to-day task. Along with this, I’m also going to be considering how useful the item itself is! Is it just cute, or does it also serve a purpose — like a coffee mug!

What are some things that you like to do within your space to prepare you for a new season? It doesn’t even necessarily have to be for fall, but any change of season or holiday — let me know in the comments below!


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