Things We Are (& Aren’t) Doing for Our Wedding

In late January, I posted a reel on Instagram talking about five traditional things we won’t be doing for our wedding this year (if you haven’t seen that reel yet, check it out here!), and I got a really positive response from my community, and even got some requests to do more topics related to our wedding, which got my wheels turning. I know not every one of my followers is getting married, maybe even any time soon, but I’d think that most of us will one day, and I want to share all of the things I’ve learned with all of you!

Both my fiancé and I are the first ones to get married between our immediate families on both sides, as well as amongst our closest friends, so I haven’t had anyones brain to pick about wedding planning & have entirely had to figure it out as I go along. With all of that being said, let’s talk about some unique things we are & aren’t doing for our 2022 wedding.

A man and woman crouched down next to their Bernese mountain dog in front of a pile of orange pumpkins.

Things We Are Doing

Let’s start with some of the things that we are doing for our wedding. Some things are traditional, other things are more unique and personal to us:


One of the most important things for both of us was including our sweet boy Freddie in our special day. Not only will he be apart of the ceremony (as the ring bearer!), but we’re naming our signature cocktail after him, adding a little dog figurine to the wedding cake and he was even the star of our Save The Dates!


I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve always wondered why someone would spend so much money on a cake just to cut it, shove it into your new spouses face & then not even serve it?! Especially when those cakes are not cheap! Instead of serving an alternative dessert, we’ll be ensuring our cake is enjoyed by our guests!


When planning our wedding, we decided to keep our guest list to immediate family and only our closest friends for both the ceremony and the reception. That being said, once dinner comes to a close, we’re invited a few extra friends to come join the party with us!


If I’m being honest, the idea of an open bar scares me. I think it’s provides too much of an opportunity for people to cause damage to the venue, or possibly even drive home under the influence. Instead of having an open bar, we’ll be providing two drink tickets for each guest, plus a welcome cocktail & wine with dinner. If you ask me, that’s plenty of alcohol for free!

A woman with her hand placed on a mans shoulder showing off her engagement ring. The man is kissing her forehead while she smiles at the camera.
A man and woman's hands are held together, showing off her engagement ring. Their faces are out of focus in the background.

Things We Aren’t Doing

Alright, now for the things that we are not doing for our wedding! I’m sure some of these things will be controversial, but of course, to each their own. Weddings are personal, and these are just some things that didn’t feel very “us”:


There won’t be a father-daughter dance, or a mother-son dance because honestly, that’s just not really us. I already feel uncomfortable with being the centre of attention for the ceremony, so the last thing I want to do is do two dances where I’m the centre of attention (I think we’re still doing our first dance!).


Okay, so this one is sort of a half truth. My bridesmaids will be in the same colour & fabric dresses, so they will be matching that way, but they’re each wearing different styles. When we went to look for dresses, I narrowed it down to a colour that they actually liked and let them choose a fabric and style since they were paying for it, and I want them to feel comfortable in their dress on the day of!


Honestly, neither one of us has a young child in our family that could fulfill this role anyways, so it was an easy role to eliminate from our wedding day. Of course, Freddie is still going to be the ring bearer though!


Not only do I find the garter toss idea a little weird (and I’d feel SO uncomfortable doing that in front of our entire families), but like I mentioned above, our guest list is so small and exclusive (and primarily family), so there’s not a lot of single people that will even be at our wedding to throw these items to.

A woman holding an engagement ring in a pink ring box. In the background, out of focus are photos and a wedding planner.

So there are a few things we are and aren’t doing for our wedding! I know I have some attendees who will be reading my blog so I don’t want to give away everything that we have up our sleeves. I can’t wait to share a blog all about our wedding day when the time comes… until then, you’ll just have to wait 😉

Xo, Emily

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