SPF Products You Should Be Using Daily

Whenever the warmer weather comes along, the number one thing that becomes top of mind for me is that I ensure to work even more SPF into my skincare & makeup routine. Of course, I wear SPF products all year round, but since the sun is closer to the planet during the summer months… you get the point. In this post, I want to share, in detail, all of the SPF products that I use daily, as well as some other favourite products of mine for day-to-day use. So, let’s jump into it!


Working a product with an SPF in it into your skincare routine is a vital step in protecting your skin from the damage that the sun can do over time. Even if you’re not planning on going outside, or you think you’re not getting a ton of sun exposure, you should still be using a product like this daily. Whether you sit by a window, or stare at a computer all day, you’re still getting your daily dose of SPF. And reminder — don’t forget your ears, neck & chest! Wearing SPF on your face daily is also a key factor in anti-aging.


If you’re looking for something you can continue to reapply throughout the day, even if you have makeup on, a great choice would be an SPF setting spray. This can be applied after you finish your makeup for the day & you can bring it with you wherever you go to add more sun protection. If you didn’t already know, you should be reapplying sunscreen every two hours, so this makes it much easier when you’ve got a full face of makeup on!


Déjà vu? Yep, daily use of sunscreen isn’t just for your face, but for any skin you’re going to be exposing to the sun. Did you know that a few big give aways to your age is your neck & chest areas, as well as your hands? If you want to avoid sun damage, you should be applying sunscreen everywhere, everyday. It may seem like a total pain, but if you’re taking the time to wash your face everyday, what’s adding one more step to keep your skin young & healthy?


Bet you didn’t think of this, did you? If you did, and you do this daily, you’re doing something great for yourself already. Your lips can also get sunburnt — if you plan on spending lots of time out in the sun, you should definitely keep this on hand. Like with applying a face sunscreen, even if you’re not planning on leaving your house that day, it’s a good habit to get into applying a lip product with an SPF. There’s even products now that are coloured so you can protect your lips & add a pop of colour!

Well there you have it! Those are some of my personal daily SPF products and ones that I highly recommend you also incorporate into your daily routine too. Of course, I am definitely no professional when it comes to skincare, but as far as I’m concerned, SPF is no joke & is an important part in protecting your skin from sun damage as well as aging.

Xo, Emily

* Note: Some links above are commissionable links.


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