Mid-Winter Vacation Must Haves

It’s that time of the year where everyone needs a little post-holiday vacation. Some people may choose to go skiing, some people (like a lot of people in colder climates!) choose to go somewhere warm to escape the winter cold, for just even a little while. And let’s be honest here, we live in the age of Instagram, so of course no matter where we’re going, we want to look extra cute and stylish for all of the awesome Instagram photos & stories we’re going to post - and yes, I am absolutely guilty of this one myself. But what it comes down to, is what do you really need to bring with you? Sunscreen for a warm-climate seems like an obvious one - but what kind of sunscreen? You may be wondering what on earth I’m talking about… so let’s get into it!

Must Bring Items for a Warm Destination

Summertime pasta salad

1. Sandals | 2. Sun Hat (Similar) | 3. Sunglasses | 4. Refillable Water Bottle | 5. Reef-Safe Sunscreen | 6. Charging Phone Case | 7. Swimsuit | 8. E-Reader | 9. Scrunchie | 10. Waterproof Bag

1. Sandals (That You Can Actually Walk In!): I know it’s really easy to want to resort to buying the sandals that will look super cute for your Instagram photos, even though deep down you know that your feet are going to be aching within an hour or two from exploring and walking around. Luckily, it’s 2020 and gone are the days of the unattractive-but-comfortable shoes, and you can actually get some really cute shoes that won’t destroy your feet after a little bit of wear. I’d highly suggest purchasing some sandals that have a strap around your ankle so that your feet don’t slide out. Take it from my personal experience, it’s a lot easier to walk around when you aren’t constantly having to re-slide your foot back in your sandals all the time. These shoes from Hudson’s Bay are a great option as they are both inexpensive (and on sale!), but also super cute. You can easily add in some stick-in cushioned soles too, for extra comfort throughout your day.

2 Large-Brimmed Sun Hat (Similar): Sun protection is key! If you’ve ever seen any photos of me (which I am absolutely sure you have at this point), I’m quite… very pale. Sun protection is something I have to take very seriously. A few years ago, I got a second degree sunburn because I didn’t reapply my sunscreen enough, and now… I can say I haven’t had a burn since. Part of sun protection includes protecting your scalp, head and neck, and this is where a large brimmed sun hat comes in. If you vacation a lot, you can definitely invest in a more expensive sun hat such as this one, but you can also get much more affordable options at places like Aldo, H&M & Call It Spring.

3. Sunglasses: This may go without saying, but you should always be wearing sunglasses when it’s sunny out. Your eyes are important! I’m someone who can’t go anywhere without having sunglasses with me, either on my head or in my bag to throw on when I find the sunlight is starting to hurt my eyes. Honestly, if I’m outside on a sunny day at all, I’ll probably have them on. My best advice would be not to bring your most expensive pair of designer glasses with you, but instead opt for some that you (and your bank account) won’t be devastated by if you lose or break them. Quay Australia has some extremely affordable pairs of glasses, but the Vivienne’s are by far, my favourite.

4. Refillable Water Bottle: This one I cannot stress enough - buy a damn reusable water bottle and stop buying plastic water bottles! I know, it’s hot & sunny, you want to stay hydrated, and it’s a lot easier to just buy plastic water bottles and throw them in the fridge or cooler, and grab them as you need it, but it’s no secret that single-use plastics are not friendly to the planet, and it’s absolutely our job to do better. Invest in a water bottle that is insulated so it stays cold all day, and you will be golden. My favourite water bottles are the ones from Yeti, particularly the 1L size bottle, as I like to drink lots of water. However, if you’re wanting something lighter, a Brita water bottle would work just as well.

5. Reef-Safe Sunscreen: It’s sad to say, but a lot of the big-brand sunscreens on the market use chemicals that are extremely harmful to coral reefs in the ocean, and if you don’t know already, coral reefs are home to a plethora of living things including fish, and other ocean-flora. Basically, if you are reading the ingredients to find out if your sunscreen is reef-safe, look specifically for oxybenzone and octinoxate. These are two chemicals that are particularly known to cause coral bleaching, which is what kills the coral, and the ecosystem that thrives within it. When looking for reef-safe sunscreens, your best bet is to check the ingredients, and look for zinc oxide as the active ingredient. Some great brands that are reef-safe are Badger Balm, Thinksport & Coola (Please note, not all of Coola’s products are reef-safe, so make sure to read the ingredients!) I personally love the Thinksport Safe SPF 50+ Sunscreen for my body, the Coola Classic SPF 50 Face Sunscreen to apply to my face & the Coola Mineral Liplux Organic Tinted Lipbalm Sunscreen SPF 30 for my lips (and yes, you should absolutely be applying an SPF to your entire face under your make up, and your lips as well!)

6. Charging Phone Case: I decided to invest in an Apple Smart Battery Charging Case a few months ago, and I absolutely swear by that thing. I have a few other cases that I love to use for my phone, but after using this one, it makes it very difficult to go back to using a case without the extra juice. I will warn you, this is definitely on the pricey side - it’s $179 CND for the case, but you will thank me when you don’t have to lug around a cable and an extra battery out of your bag while on your trip. The case gives me about 75% extra battery, and most of the time, I can go two days without throwing it on the charger. You may be wondering why I’m specifically recommending the Apple one. Well, I’m going to put it as simply as I can - if you have an iPhone, since Apple created both the software & the hardware of your device, they were able to design a case that actually by-passes your phones internal battery, essentially shutting the battery off, while your phone is plugged into this charging case. So, you’re actually saving the battery life on your device in the long run, making it that you won’t see your phone’s battery life disintegrate as quickly as you normally would. With cases like Mophie, your phone is consistently “plugged in”, meaning your phones battery is constantly being charged, therefore over time your phone relies on that charge, weakening your internal battery - I hope that all makes sense! The long & short of it? Get the case, and thank me later. (Available for iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone X/XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR & iPhone 7)

7. Good Quality Swimsuit: There is no denying that a swim suit can either make you feel extremely confident, or extremely self-conscious. I’ve definitely owned some swim suits in my life that were on the cheaper side, and didn’t fit me properly, or the fabric wasn’t as thick as I’d like to it be, and made me feel very aware that things could be see-through, fall off and just overall made me not feel as confident as I’d like. The first step is knowing what style of swim suit you feel best in, but the second step is investing in good swimwear. Summersalt is a fantastic brand that offers a variety of styles, with good quality materials (that actually hold everything in place!), and at a pretty affordable price given the quality. It’s definitely a bit more of an investment piece, but again, if you vacation a lot, or spend a lot of time pool-side in the summer, it’s a fantastic brand to look into for a swim suit that will last, and make you feel good.

8. E-Reader: If you plan on sitting on the beach for most of your vacation, and you’re wanting to disconnect, there’s nothing quite like bringing along a good book. But books take up a lot of space, and they can be heavy if you want to bring more than one. (If you’re anything like me, I end up reading like 4-6 books at once!) An e-reader is a great thing to invest in for when you travel. Of course, it’s lightweight, small and allows you to bring multiple books without taking up nearly as much space in your bag. However, as much as I love an e-reader, I can’t resist the feeling of holding a book in my hands, so don’t completely write off buying a physical book, ever!

9. Scrunchies: Is anyone else like me and constantly has their hair up? Honestly, I’d venture to say my hair is up more often than not, and one thing I’ve come to learn is ponytail holders actually put a lot of strain on your hair, that overtime causes damage. I love that scrunchies are back in style because they do the exact opposite - they put significantly less strain on your hair and let’s be honest here, they look really cute. Seriously, just look at like, any photo of Chelsea King’s Instagram page, and a scrunchie is as much an accessory to your outfit as a handbag, or a lipstick. My favourite places to get my scrunchies are from Chelsea King & Allette & Co - both are Canadian businesses run by women too!

10. Waterproof Bag: Lastly, another thing that I highly recommend purchasing before you make your way to a warm destination is a waterproof bag or pouch. If you’re someone who’s not planning on spending time at the beach on your vacation, you’re probably okay to skip this purchase. But if you plan on being in the water, or even on the sand, this is something that can save you a whole lot of trouble. I’m someone who makes sure I have a waterproof case on my phone, but if you can’t find a waterproof case, or have more than just your phone to protect, a waterproof bag will not only stop water from getting there, but also sand. Believe me, you don’t want to have to replace your headphones and/or phone just because you didn’t want to shell out a few bucks for a waterproof bag.

Must Bring Items for a Cold Destination

Close up of pasta salad

1. Mittens | 2. Thick Socks | 3. Parka | 4. Winter Boots | 5. Charging Phone Case | 6. Face Sunscreen | 7. Sunglasses | 8. Scarf | 9. Mittens | 10. Hat

1. Mittens instead of Gloves: In my humble opinion, choosing mittens over gloves is the right thing to do, especially if you’re from a warmer area, and it doesn’t get very cold where you live. Take this from someone who lives in a climate where we spend probably about 6 months of the year in snow. Mittens are way better than gloves when it comes to keeping warm. Gloves are fine too, don’t get me wrong, but since your fingers are together, mittens will keep your hands warmer for longer. Just trust me on this one.

2. Thick Socks: I’m someone who has really poor circulation to my hands and feet, meaning they definitely get colder, faster. Even my best winter boots don’t keep my feet warm when I’m walking through the snow. Invest in some good thick socks because the last thing you want to do is to be hanging around outside, especially as the sun starts to go down, and regret only bringing thin socks because you can feel your feet freezing by the second.

3. A Good Parka: Another obvious one on the list, but believe me when I say the quality of your winter coat is going to make or break if you’re able to enjoy being outside or not. Now, even some of the best coats out there can’t withstanding the kind of cold that’s so damp, it’s almost like it’s going right through to your bones, but it makes a massive difference. A good parka can be expensive, but it’s worth the investment, even if you only use it that one trip. Frost bite is no joke.

4. Warm Boots: Yet another shockingly obvious item on this list, but much like the parka situation, whatever pair of boots you buy can really make or break how long you’re able to hang outside for. My personal favourite brand for good quality boots is Sorel. Again, definitely on the pricey side, but if you value not having frost bite by the end of your trip, totally worth it.

5. Charging Phone Case: Well, well, well. Doesn’t this item look familiar? Yes, this one made the list for the cold destinations too, because well honestly - it’s just an awesome piece of tech that I highly recommend having, especially if you’re a heavy phone user, like I am. I promise you won’t regret this purchase. (Available for iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone X/XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR & iPhone 7)

6. Face Sunscreen: Now, you may be wondering why on earth I’ve put face sunscreen on this list. I’m definitely going to sound like your mother here, but sunscreen is actually very necessary year round, even in the winter. Something we don’t really think about is the fact that snow reflect sun right onto our skin, so of course it makes sense that you should put on a little face sunscreen before heading out. Your skin will thank me for this suggestion in a few years, if you take it.

7. Sunglasses: Just like I said before, sun reflects off the snow, and right into your face. There is no brightness quite like sunlight reflecting off of the snow, let me tell you… Bring those sunglasses.

8. A Thick Scarf: The second last relatively obvious one here for you - but you’re definitely going to want to have a nice thick scarf. Wind chill is probably the worst part about living somewhere where it’s cold a lot of the time. It feels like it’s ripping the skin off your face… so make sure to get a scarf that isn’t only thick, but also big enough to pull up over your face if you need it.

9. Extra Mittens & Socks: I’m not kidding - bring extra mittens and socks. As someone who’s grown up in Canada, and ended up having to wear plastic bags in my boots as a kid from my socks (and honestly, my boots too), being soaked, as well as my dripping wet mittens from playing outside… just do it, okay?

10. A Thick Hat: Not only the last item on this list, but the last stupidly obvious one. A thick hat! Forget the earmuffs, just invest in a nice thick hat. I’ve owned a few hats in my lifetime that were on the thinner side, and have worn them out when it’s cold, and oh boy, the wind was going right through the material. Again, this may all end up costing you a bit, but I promise it’s worth it.

Well, there you have it - my list of must have’s, if you’re headed to somewhere warm or cold this winter season! Is anyone taking any vacations? If so, leave me a comment with where you’re going. See you again on Tuesday with a new post. Xo.


* Note: Some links above are commissionable affiliate links.


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