3 Ways Your Instagram Can Be More on Brand

Some questions that I get asked from time-to-time include things like “how do you get your Instagram to look the way it does?” or, more usually, “how do you create link stickers that aren’t the typical, built-in Instagram style?”. Well, the answer is pretty simple — I make them myself & I learned a couple of hacks along the way! So, you may be wondering, “Cool, but tell me how to do it!” If you’re looking for some ways to spruce up your social media, particularly Instagram, I’m going to break down in detail how I elevate my Instagram in stories, reels & highlights.

01. Creating More On Brand Link Stickers

You know when you see people put GIFs overtop of their link stickers on Instagram? Well, that’s essentially what I’m going to be telling you how to do today! Except instead of GIFs, they’re just still JPEGs that you can keep in your camera roll for whenever you want to use them.

The four options I like to keep on hand for my use is: Tap to Read, Tap to Shop, Tap to View and Tap to Sign Up. These are primarily the calls to action I use the most, but if I’m needing something else, as long as you keep your working files in either Adobe Illustrator, Canva or whatever you’re using to built your button, you can make another version & export it easily!

So you may be wondering how to put it onto your story — well you have two options. One is to copy the photo from your camera roll and paste it like you would a block of text on a story. The second option is to use the photo sticker from the Instagram sticker menu. Both work the same, just depends on what works best for you! Now all you’ve got to do is create your link sticker, as you normally would, and then use either of these methods to place your button over top of it and cover the link sticker.

I will note — if you want an odd shape that isn’t rectangular or square, (ex. circular, cut outs, etc). you’ll need to export your button as a PNG with a transparent background, not a JPEG.

02. Updating Your Highlight Covers

This one is a simple one, and I feel like a lot of people know this, but I also know that a lot of people don’t either, but you can update your Instagram highlight covers without uploading it as a story first! Create whatever you’d like for your cover photos and get them into your camera roll (my preferred method is sending the photos to myself as a text & saving them from there!).

From there, go to change the highlight cover as you would, but instead of selecting from the list of images/videos that are saved in the highlight, tap the photo button & voila! There is your option to update your highlight without uploading it as a story.

03. Using Custom Fonts

Last, but certainly not least is using custom fonts, primarily on your reels! Let’s be honest, TikTok & Instagram don’t exactly have the biggest selection, and they get kind of boring after a while. Invest some time in editing your reels on other apps that have access to more custom fonts! I personally like to use the app Vixer to edit all of my reels because they have a huge selection of fonts to pick from!

There you have it! Those are 3 ways you can elevate your Instagram to be on more brand, and I think my favourite part is they’re all pretty simple (in my opinion, at least!). What are some other ways you like to keep your social media channels on brand? Let me know in the comments below!


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