A Week in my Closet

Ahhh fall fashion! Don’t you just love it?! I’ve got a special spot in my heart specifically for fall accessories… they really make an outfit complete, you know? Scarves, boots, HATS! I don’t think I’ve met a fall fashion accessory that I didn’t just absolutely love. But that being said, my one true love for fall fashion is sweaters. I’ve always been a huge fan of a good chunky, knit sweater… to the point that when I was younger, up until I moved out, my parents used to roll their eyes every time I came home with a new sweater — especially in the middle of July!

Okay, okay… enough about why I’m obsessed with fall accessories and big knit sweaters, let’s get into the best part of this blog, the outfits, and the links to buy the pieces (and some similar items!).


Beret | Sweater | Puffer Jacket (Similar) | Jeans (Similar) | Boots


Jeans (Similar) | Rain Boots (Similar)


There you have it — a week in my closet for fall! Did anything jump out at you? What was your favourite? Let me know in the comments below! Also — don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to stay in the loop on all of my most recent blogs, as well as get exclusive discount codes, and sneak peaks to upcoming content!


* Note: Links above are commissionable/affiliate links.


Styling The Anupaya x The Jilly Box Hat for the Fall


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