My April Favourites

Another month come and gone of the year 2020. I don’t know about anyone else, but despite the fact that it’s been like living through hell the last couple of months, I feel like this year is kind of flying by? It’s hard to believe it’s already May so soon, and then next thing we know it’s going to be summer. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s get into what I think may be my favourite post of every month - recapping my monthly favourites.

My April favourites this month have no consistency, rhyme or reason that even remotely relates them! It’s just a combination of a few items that I find myself grabbing more often and some are helping me get through what feels like Groundhog Day (especially being jobless, ugh) while in quarantine. There is one little thing at the end that I recently ordered & I’m obsessed with! But you’ll have to read to find out - let’s get into my monthly favourites for April:

Essential Oil Diffuser & Outdoor-Inspired Diffuser Blend

Saje Diffuser + Saje Diffuser Blend


Lately, I often find myself turning on my Diffuser, and using a very earthy blend to bring the outdoors in. We’ve all been spending a lot of time inside, and as much as I almost always have the windows open, it doesn’t really bring in the smell of nature - I mostly just hear vehicles and people LOL. Some of my favourite blends to diffuse daily are Mountain High, After the Rain (if you combine these two together, they’re great as well!) & Liquid Sunshine. Another blend I often grab is Deep Forest, however it was a holiday blend, and is not currently available for purchase – if you do have it already, it’s another lovely diffuser blend to bring the outdoors into your home.

Keep-It-Cool Tumbler

Yeti 20oz Tumbler + Straw Lid


One thing that I really need to get back into the routine of is drinking at least 2L of water, every day. When things were normal, I’d try to drink between 2 and 3L of water daily, but since quarantine started, I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t been feeling a little depressed from time-to-time, and my normal routine of drinking lots of water has definitely become a distant memory. Quite honestly, I didn’t really notice the difference until my skin majorly started breaking out, despite my efforts to keep up my skincare routine, so to help me get back on my water-drinking-routine, I’m using my Yeti Tumbler & Straw Lid to pound back as much (nice and cold!) H2O as possible. This is something I definitely recommend everyone does too, especially given the fact that we want to keep our immune systems up during this scary time!

My Favourite Rosés

Selkie Rosé, Miraval Rosé + Sandhill Rosé


Hahaha, this sounds like a real yikes, doesn’t it? One thing I’ve definitely found myself doing more often now is enjoying a glass of wine with dinner. I’m not someone who really ever drinks very often, but since I haven’t had to get up early for work lately, I figured why the heck not LOL! Although I love whites & reds, my true favourite is rosés – some of the rosés I’m loving the most right now are Selkie (Nova Scotia, Sweet), Miraval (France, Dry) & Sandhill (British Columbia, Semi-Dry).

Tropical-Inspired Jewelry Stand

Palm-Tree-Shaped Jewelry Stand


Lastly, but definitely not least, probably one of my absolute favourite purchases I’ve made in a while is this adorable (and affordable) Palm Tree Shaped Jewelry Stand from H&M. I was scrolling through Instagram one day, watching some stories of people that I follow, and suddenly I saw this palm tree jewelry stand in someone’s stories. I instantly went to Google, and looked up “palm tree jewelry stand” and there it was on the H&M website, and I don’t think I’ve ever hit add to cart faster in my life! I don’t think this item needs any further explanation as to why it’s on this list, haha.

Well, that’s all for this months favourites from me! What were some of your favourite things this month? They don’t have to be physical things, it can even be things like Netflix or your dog, haha. Stay safe & stay healthy everyone, and see you again on Friday for a new post! Xo.


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