Tropical Smoothie Bowl

If you’ve followed along with me on here or on Instagram for a while, you will have known that in February, I took a trip with my boyfriend to Oahu (check out my recap blog posts here). One of my absolute favourite parts about being in Hawai'i was how there was just so much tropical fruit! I’m a big fan of anything mango & pineapple, so of course I was absolutely thriving having so much of these fruits available everywhere (if you love pineapple too, and you’re ever in Hawai'i, go to one of the many ABC Stores while you’re there and grab a bottle of pineapple juice. Your life will be changed by how delicious it is!)

One place I came across was actually a lemonade stand in Haleiwa called Wow Wow Lemonade, and one thing that caught my eye was their Blue Hawaii açai bowl. I didn’t end up ordering one myself, but when I got home from my trip, I decided I wanted to try making it by looking on their website and making something similar, and it turned out so good. If you love tropical fruit and açai bowls as much as I do, this blog post is for you — scroll down to get the recipe for this Wow Wow Lemonade Blue Hawaii inspired smoothie bowl!

Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Makes One Serving

Summertime pasta salad


  • 1/2 cup Frozen Pineapple

  • 1/2 cup Frozen Mango

  • 1 Banana

  • 1/2 cup to 1 cup of Milk of choice, depending on how thick you like your smoothies

  • 3-5 fresh strawberries, chopped into quarters (depending on size of your bowl)

  • Handful of blueberries

  • Approximately 1/4 of a mango, cubed

  • Drizzle of Honey

  • 1/4-1/2 cup of Granola

  • Shredded Coconut or Coconut Chips


  1. Start by chopping up your fresh strawberries, and put them aside to assemble in the bowl once your smoothie is made.

  2. Combine frozen pineapple, frozen mango, banana, milk & yogurt in your blender, and blend until smooth. (I have a Blendtec & use the smoothie setting on it)

  3. Pour your smoothie into a bowl. When adding the toppings, I do it in “rows”, starting with making a row of granola, then blueberries, then strawberries. This will fill your entire bowl, covering the smoothie.

  4. Drizzle honey across the top of all of your fruit & granola, and top the centre of your bowl with shredded coconut. Enjoy!

Close up of pasta salad

My favourite part about this recipe is that the toppings add a little bit of texture to the smoothie, so it doesn’t taste like you’re just eating a smoothie with a spoon, hahaha. Let me know in the comments below if you tried making it & what you think – and I’m curious, what are your favourite smoothie bowls? I’m a big fan of them, so I’m always open to learning other people’s favourites too!


My April Favourites


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