Kitchen Must Haves

Hello again everyone, and welcome back to my blog! If you aren’t already aware, I’m actually pretty into cooking. I’ve always really enjoyed baking, and in the last year or so, I’ve gotten more excited about making dinners & actually really like being in the kitchen (okay, except for maybe my tiny kitchen that I currently have, haha). If you’re someone who likes cooking or baking, you probably have a favourite cooking utensil, cast iron pan & even mixing bowl… Well, it could just be me — I’m honestly going on assumption here!

In today’s blog, I want to break down all of my favourite kitchen items that I think everyone should have in theirs. Do I own these specific items? No, not necessarily - some of them are items that are definitely investment pieces, but hey, a girl can dream, right? But, I mean I don’t have that specific item - I have a cheaper version. All of this to say, I have the item in one way or another - so let’s get started:

Collage of my must have kitchen items.

Kitchenaid Stand Mixer

Okay, who doesn’t dream of owning a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer, honestly? I think everyone either wants one, or has one. I don’t have one of my own, but my parents do, so sometimes I’ll hold off on making something until I can see them & use it.

Quality Set of Knives

I feel like this one goes without saying - it’s an item you are always going to be using, so investing in a quality Set of Knives is a must, as far as I’m concerned. Yes, they’re going to be a pretty penny, but in the long run, you won’t have to replace them as quickly as a cheap set.

Baking Sheets

If you don’t have them already, it’s time to go out and buy yourself a set of Baking Sheets. Not only are these great for those one-pan-dinners you see all over social media, but hello, you use these to make cookies & who doesn’t love warm cookies fresh from the oven!?

Utensil Crock

This one is definitely space-permitted. In my current kitchen, I don’t have room for a Utensil Crock unfortunately, but when I lived at home, I loved having all of my utensils in the crock right next to the stove, making it easy to grab whatever I needed without running to a drawer.

Kitchen countertop with framed art, and other miscellaneous kitchen items around.

Salt + Pepper Mills

Speaking as someone with relatively cheap Salt & Pepper Mills, just invest in a good set if this is how you like to store your salt & pepper. We’ve had a few incidents of cracking pepper over an egg that we’re frying up that ended with whole peppercorns all over the egg.

Dutch Oven

Ahhh, my dream cookware - the Staub Dutch Oven. I love to make large batches of things like soups & pastas (who doesn’t love leftovers?), and having an enameled, cast iron pot is one of my favourite kitchen items. I definitely don’t own this Staub one yet, but if it’s in your budget, I’d definitely invest!

Measuring Spoons (+ Cups!)

If you’re using your regular flatware as a form of measurement, it’s time to stop. Measuring Spoons, and frankly, measuring cups can be found in tons of places, including HomeSense for a very affordable price. Not to mention, they can be super cute now too.

Cookbook sitting out with oven mitts, spoon & measuring spoons around it.

Pie Plate

Okay, this one may just be a me-thing, but I seriously have an obsession with my Staub Pie Plate, and no you don’t just have to use it to make pies! I bought it specifically for making a Banana Coconut Cream Pie from my favourite cookbook, but quickly found myself making crustless quiches in it too — I definitely recommend it if you’re a fan of making quiche.

Pour Over Coffee Maker

If you’re not picky about your coffee & how it’s made, this one might be a pass for you - but if you’re pretty big into coffee, like my boyfriend, I highly recommend getting yourself a Pour Over Coffee Maker. I don’t know what it is, but the coffee just tastes better!

Large Mixing Bowl

You are always, always, always going to be in need of a Large Mixing Bowl. You might think it’s just for baking, but I promise that if you’re like me & like to prep your meals, and cut large batches of vegetables before making your dinner, you will want a large bowl to put that food in.


I feel like there’s so many other must have kitchen items for me, but I couldn’t fit them all in! Of course, as always, these are just my personal must haves - yours may be completely different. If they are, or you’ve got a go-to kitchen item that you love, comment below what that item is. All this talk about cooking has made me hungry… I think it might be time to go make myself some breakfast with a side of coffee! Don’t forget to come back Wednesday at 1pm EST for a brand new blog post & the kick off of a new little series I’m doing.


* Note: Some links above are commissionable links.


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