My Experience with Rodan + Fields Skincare

While this blog post may be on the short and sweet side, this is also going to be probably one of the most uncomfortable and vulnerable posts for me personally to share with the world — let’s jump right into it. When the pandemic was declared last year, I knew I’d be stressed and that stress would eventually take a toll on me somehow, and boy did it rear it’s ugly head in the form of acne.

My face suddenly broke out to an uncontrollable point. I had acne, as well as scars all over my face from the never ending skin picking that I can’t stop myself from. My skin hadn’t looked this bad since I was a teenager, and it seemed like no matter how many times I washed my face, used a face mask, or had a makeup-less day, nothing was helping. After a while, I decided to give Rodan + Fields Unblemish line a try.

Flat lay of Rodan + Fields Unblemish skincare line.

I had never seen it look so bad, and I was just so embarrassed of my skin. I blamed all of the acne that I had developed in the last year or so, due to stress, not drinking enough water and “mascne” from wearing a mask out all the time. Realistically, while I’m sure these things played a factor in it, my skincare just wasn’t working for my skin anymore. I started on the Unblemish line at the top of December 2020 and after about a month of use, I began to see some relatively big improvements. I had less acne, my acne scars had lightened up quite a bit and I didn’t feel so embarrassed by my skin.

This all being said, over the first four weeks of transitioning from my old skincare to my new stuff, my skin went through a pretty intense adjustment period. My skin got very dry, to the point it felt tight, even after I had ensured that I gave myself proper testing to ensure I wasn't allergic. My skin itself wasn’t reacting badly, just the feeling of it. I soldiered on, and I’m glad I did because the change in my skin from five months ago to now is dramatic, and has been so worth it.

Close ups of woman’s face with acne.
Close up of woman’s face showing improved and lightened acne scars.

Will I always have some acne and some acne scars? Absolutely! It’s normal. Acne is also normal, but it’s also perfectly okay to want to get it under control. Though this was a tough blog post for me to write, and share with the world, as my skin was one of my biggest insecurities just six months ago, I’m sharing to let everyone know there is a skincare line out there for you, whether that’s the same one I use or not! In the photo below, you can see that my skin absolutely still has some dark spots, a little bit of acne and texture, but again, all of these things are normal & I feel so much more comfortable in my skin since switching to Rodan + Fields skincare.

Woman with no makeup on sitting on a couch.

I hope this blog post helped you to feel more comfortable in your own skin, knowing it’s totally okay and normal to have acne, and to know it’s totally a learning process on what works for you and your skin, and what doesn't. My old skincare worked for a long time, until it didn’t — things change, your skin changes and it’s all about trial & error.


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