My Fall Bucket List

Another day, another blog post where I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the beautiful, perfect season that is the fall. What’s not to love about big, comfy sweaters, knee high boots, pumpkins and the beauty is the changing leaves? Fall is without a doubt my favourite season — by July, I’m pretty much done with the summer; it’s usually way too hot for me, and frankly since we’ve welcomed Freddie into our lives, and he’s not a dog who enjoys the warm weather, it’s making me really long for the cooler weather even more, just for his comfort.

However, much like summer, I always get these grand ideas of what I’d like to do during the fall, but never actually end up putting the effort into the planning and coordinating of doing these fun activities. Instead, I end up just spending most of the season just doing my job during the week, not much on the weekends, and failing to take some time for myself & make the plans. After 2020 being the year that it was, I want to make fall 2021 something to remember. Here are some things that I’m going to make time to do this fall!


1. Visit an Apple Orchard

I think this is one activity that I most look forward to every single fall. I don’t even eat raw apples (they make me so itchy!), but I absolutely love spending a cool fall afternoon at the apple orchard. I mean, worst case scenario, I have to make a bunch of apple treats this fall, right?! Also, now that we have Freddie & he loves apples, I’m sure it’ll be so much fun taking him to an orchard. This will be his first fall with us too, so we have to make it special!

2. Go on a Family Picnic

I constantly day dream all summer about going for a little family picnic, but when it comes down to it, I don’t enjoy being hot and sweaty, so I’d much rather take some time and go for a picnic with my partner & Freddie during a cool fall day where we can bundle up and snuggle! Now, to figure out how to get the wasps to leave us alone…


3. Go to a Pumpkin Patch

The same way I get so excited each fall to go to an apple orchard, I get equally as excited to check out a local pumpkin patch! Though I do love the typical orange pumpkins, I’ve truly fallen in love with the fantasy pumpkins — the pale pink, pale orange & blue pumpkins, so I can’t wait to go find the most beautiful ones this fall, and of course bring along Freddie for some cute photos of us together.

4. Check out the Local Farmer’s Market

The only thing I love more than the farmer’s markets in the summer is the farmer’s markets in the fall! All of the beautiful fall-specific local produce & florals come to the markets around September, so I can’t wait to get dressed up in a cute-but-comfy fall outfit, and get my hands on some of those beauties.


5. Go for a Fall Hike

I’m truly so lucky to live somewhere that gets absolutely beautiful fall foliage and has stunning hiking trails amongst them, and I truly cannot wait to go on a little family walk/hike there with Freddie. Since he loves the cooler weather, and he finally seems to be enjoying & wanting to go on walks, I think it’ll be a great experience for not only him, but for us as well. The more I’m talking and thinking about the fall, the more I can’t wait to be sipping on a delicious PSL while enjoying the cool weather!

6. Watch My Favourite Halloween Movies

Is it bad that I’ve kind of already started doing this? Nothing gets me into a cozier vibe in the fall than sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and cozy sweater, sipping a cup of chai while watching my favourite Halloween movies — first up is always the Halloweentown series!

7. Get Lost in a Corn Maze

And by “get lost” I truly mean I will probably get lost! The last time I did a corn maze back in 2019, my friends and I were actually starting to get a little panicked because we weren’t sure where we were going, haha. That all being said, it’s a lot of fun & I definitely want to do it again.


8. Enjoy Some Downtime

I’m very lucky to have an outdoor space where I can sit down, enjoy the fall weather & foliage, read, listen to music and just slow down. That being said, last year I really didn’t get much of a chance to do this. In 2021, I’m making it my mission to take each Sunday, spend some time in our outdoor space, maybe listen to Folklore & just slow down to take time for me, and my mental space!

There you have it! That’s what I’m hoping to get up to this fall. Is there anything you’re hoping to do this autumn season? All I know is I just can’t wait to really get into this fall and make some memories!


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