My Fall 2023 Bucket List

I know what some of you are thinking, “Emily, it’s only August, stop talking about fall!”. Well, I can’t & nor do I want to, so… no. Sorry! It’s probably pretty apparent that fall is my favourite season, and I count down the days to it every year. I also always joke that my brain runs two months ahead of the calendar — excited for fall in August, Christmas in October, and so on. But, the truth is, fall is truly almost here. In fact, it’s less than a month away, to the date! 28 more days, and I’m going hard on all things fall (and spooky season!), but before I get too ahead of myself, let’s talk about some things that I have on my fall bucket list this year!

01. Live in the Moment

It sounds so simple on paper, but this can be a challenge for me. I get so excited about upcoming events and plans that I sometimes spend too much time being excited about future plans and not enough time enjoying the happiness and fall weather that I’m experiencing in the moment. I always feel like the season flashes before my eyes, so this year, I’d like to slow down & take it all in, one day at a time.

02. Participate in Outdoor Activities

I love, love, LOVE spending time outdoors in the fall. Summer? Too hot. Fall? Just absolutely perfect. Much like I just mentioned above, the season always seems to flash right by, and I always hope to do these things and never do, so this fall I want to schedule the outdoor activities I love, and actually do it. Apple orchards, farms & pumpkin patches, I’m coming for you!

03. Carve a Pumpkin with the Family

Every year, I always buy so many pumpkins (that end up rotting outside… oops), and for the first time last year, my husband and I actually carved a couple and it was so much fun, I definitely want to do it again. However, I think I need to carve them a bit closer to Halloween because they were extremely rotten days before the spookiest night of the year even rolled around (again – oops!).

04. Do Something Special for My Birthday

If you don’t already know, I’m an October baby! I thoroughly believe that I have the best birthday month, and one of the best parts about having an October birthday is that a lot of fun Oktoberfest events are happening nearby, so for this year, we’ll be checking out one of those and I cannot wait!

05. Take Freddie on Fall Adventures

Somewhat piggy-backing off of the idea of getting outside more this season, I really want to bring Freddie along on some of these outdoor activities! I really love the idea of him experiencing some of my favourite activities during my favourite time of year with us, and I know that the apple orchard & pumpkin patch I always go to allows dogs, so why not, right?!

06. Have a Halloween Movie Marathon Day

Nothing, and I mean nothing gets me in the fall-spirit quite like putting on a Halloween movie (and when I say Halloween movie, I mean one from my childhood — I love a good nostalgic throwback), making a cup of pumpkin coffee & getting cuddled up under a blanket on the couch with the windows wide open. Ideally, it’d be raining too, but hey, I can’t get everything I want, right? What better way to get into the season than spending a Saturday having a movie marathon? (I’m looking at you, Halloweentown series!)

07. Schedule Down-Time

I’m the first to admit, I’m a busy bee. I have a hard time settling down. In fact, I challenged myself this weekend to not to do any work Friday night & I spent the entire night battling getting ahead on blog work. Though this one isn’t necessarily super fall-specific, I want to schedule more down-time in my life so I can enjoy the other things on this list.

08. Celebrate our first Wedding Anniversary!

Last, but certainly not least, do something special to celebrate our very first anniversary together as husband and wife! The last year really has felt like it went by so fast, but you know the saying – time flies when you’re having fun! But I seriously can hardly believe it’s been a full year since one of the best days of my life. I’m not 100% sure how we want to celebrate this first year of marriage together, but I do know that I want it to be special.

There you have it! My fall 2023 bucket list, though I’m sure I’ve probably missed a few things and then I’ll think about it later and go “I should’ve added that to my fall bucket list”, but hey — it is what it is, right?

Until next time, Emily

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