My Top 10 Favourite Products from Saje Wellness

Every time I write a blog post about Saje Wellness, all I can think back to is September 2019, when I first decided that I was finally going to just go for it & start a blog, since it was my first ever blog post! If you want to check that out, you can read it here. Fast forward to 2022, and Saje is still one of my favourite brands, products & stores, so it seemed fitting that entering into the new year, I should write up a blog post with my 10 favourite products from Saje — so let’s dive in!

* Images of product may not match the exact products listed as Saje updates their products regularly!


This one is a tried & true classic, and what really helped Saje to take off (and for good reason). Even though it’s marketed as a headache aid, I love to use it for when I’m sick! Whenever I get a cold, I get the worst body aches & I love to use Peppermint Halo between doses of Advil to help with the discomfort.


Over the last few months, I’ve noticed I’m having a harder and harder time getting to sleep at night, so to help calm my mind & get prepared for a restful nights sleep, I like to spray my pillow with a bit of Lavender mist.


Whenever I’m starting to feel a little run down, especially during cold & flu season, I love to take a nice hot bath with my Immune bath salts. The smell of the eucalyptus really helps to open up your lungs, and helps nip that sudden feeling of illness right in the bud.


In this case, I’m particularly talking about my Jillian Harris Aroma Om Diffuser, but since it’s no longer available, and Saje sells the exact same diffuser in a different colour way, I figured I had to include it! It runs for 3 hours continuously, or 6 hours intermittently — the perfect amount of time, in my opinion!


Does anyone else’s skin practically turn to dust during the cold winter months and even into spring?! Mine sure does, so I like to keep my bottle of Goddess body lotion on hand for whenever my skin (my hands in particular!) get super dry & sore.

06. JUTE & JOY

Probably one of my absolute, most favourite items in the last year or so is the Jute & Joy products. I like to switch it up from season to season (in the winter, I like to use the Tingle Mint scent, while in the spring & summer, I use the Liquid Sunshine scent!). My favourite part about this is that the wash pad can be composted at the end of it’s life, making it a low waste product!


Hand sanitizer has become like our best friend in the last couple of years, right? Honestly, I’ve always been that person that carries around hand sanitizer in their bag & my friends used to always ask to use it, haha! I love this one from Saje since it’s a spray, not sticky and smells so nice.


Who doesn’t love the smell of citrus lingering throughout their space?! Okay, I’m sure someone out there doesn’t love it, but I know I do! My favourite blend to use in my diffuser during the spring & summer is Liquid Sunshine because it smells like exactly that — liquid sunshine!


Up until the last couple of years, I used to find it so hard to get my hands on a feminine-scented deodorant that wasn’t an antiperspirant. Enter, deodorants by Saje! They smell so good, and get the job done, which is really all I can ask for in a deodorant, haha.


I don’t know if it’s a placebo or not, but I swear by the Energy roller for when I need a little pick me up. I’m not going to pretend that it replaces a good cup of coffee for me in the morning, but when I’m hitting my mid-afternoon slump, I love to use this roller to help me get through the last bit of the work day!

There you have it — my top 10 favourite Saje products! It was so hard for me to nail down my favourites to only 10 items, but I did it, and I highly recommend each of these items to you. If you end up getting anything, you’ll have to let me now your thoughts down in the comments below!

Xo Emily

* Note: Links above are commissionable/affiliate links.


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