Unboxing the Spring 2022 Jilly Box

Holy — 2022. I can’t believe that I’ve been lucky enough to be a Jilly Box subscriber now for two whole years! If you’re new to my blog, I was lucky enough to be offered a Jilly Box subscription for the spring 2020 box & now here we are, two years later. These blogs are some of my absolute favourites to write because I know lots of Jillian fans come to my blog to check out what’s in the latest box.

Before jumping in, I just want to briefly set the scene — this box was clearly heavily themed around the home, spring cleaning and refreshing your space. I say clearly based on the add on’s that were released a while back, so be prepared for lots of cleaning & home items in this unboxing!

Bamboo Dish Scrubber

Better Basics

Starting off with this super cute, Jillian Harris designed bamboo dish scrubber from Better Basics. Firstly, I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I love the hint of pink on this brush (self-proclaimed pink lover here!), but this also couldn’t have come at a better time given that my current bamboo dish scrubber has seen better times & it might be time for it to say hello to my composting bin!

Medium Dark Roast Ground Coffee

Ethical Bean Coffee

Ahhh coffee — pretty much my one true love in life. Kidding! But in all seriousness, there’s nothing I look forward to more in the morning than a hot mug of coffee. One thing that really stuck out to me about this brand is that you can track where the coffee beans in your package came from with a QR code on the side of each package!

Cleaning Scrub

Mint Cleaning

I have never heard of Mint Cleaning, or a cleaning scrub before, but I am so excited to give this product a try! The cleaning scrub can be used on a ton of surfaces including sinks, tubs, toilets, floors & even to remove stains in laundry. I plan on mostly using mine to clean my kitchen sinks, stove & fridge (quite honestly, those really could use a deep clean lately!).

Laundry Detergent Strips

Good JuJu

I am no stranger to laundry strips by any means (in fact, I currently use the TruEarth Eco-Laundry Strips) but I cannot get over how gorgeous the packaging is from Good Juju. These laundry strips in a custom Jilly Box spring meadow scent smell incredible (though, quite strong since they’re concentrated) and I can’t wait to try them in my next load of laundry this weekend!

Swedish Dish Cloths

Nature Bee

When I pulled out these Swedish dish cloths from the box, the first thought that came to mind is “thank god I didn’t end up buying the ones I was going to get a few weeks ago!”, because funny enough I almost bought some at my local eco-friendly supply store but ended up leaving them behind thinking I’ll come back to get them… well, now I don’t have to! I love using these to clean my kitchen & bathroom countertops, as well as wipe up any water or even with glass cleaner to clean my mirrors.

WOW Stick Stain Remover


Another item that I was super close to buying a couple of weeks ago was this Nellie’s WOW Stick Stain Remover! I’m the first to admit, I’m a bit of a messy cook in the kitchen, particularly when it comes to oil splattering out of the pan & I always freak out that my clothes are going to be stained. Now thankfully, I’ll have this stain remover on hand to make sure I can get the stains out quickly & effectively.

KALKÁY Healing Salve

Skwálwen Botanicals

Now this item really stuck out to me since it wasn’t necessarily “cleaning” focused, but was an incredibly useful product is this KALKÁY Healing Salve from Skwálwen Botanicals. I particularly see myself using this item when the weather warms up (hello to the snow we got today…) since it says it can be used on sunburns, bug bites & even razor burn — all things that I experience a lot of come the summer months!

Tea Towel Set

Indaba Trading Co.

I swear, we’re almost at the end of the list — there was a lot in this seasons box! The next item was this custom Jillian Harris tea towel set*! Lately I’ve been really into tea towels… and so has my dog! So as much as I’m so excited to put these up in the kitchen, they’ll probably only see the light of day on the countertop for the time being.

Modal Lounge Pants


The next item I’m already so obsessed with, I put them on the moment that I opened the box and saw them & I am now currently writing this blog post while wearing them, and that is the Modal Lounge Pants in Heather Grey from Knix! These pants are so soft & buttery, I don’t know how I’m going to wear real pants ever again after these… That’s where I’m going to leave this review.

Handheld Steamer

Steamery Stockholm

The last item… sort of — I still have one more item & that is the add-on, but before I get ahead of myself, let’s talk about this handheld Steamer from Steamery Stockholm! This is going to be an absolute lifesaver for lots of my clothing, particularly my sundresses, considering that as much as I have an iron & ironing board, I hate pulling it out. I’ve been a huge fan of steaming my clothes since my days working at Kate Spade, but since I don’t have a huge space, a steamer isn’t exactly the most practical item to have. Now that I have this steamer, I can’t wait to see how gorgeous my clothing is going to look!

Add-On: Heart Pom Pullover

Fox + Wit Boutique

We made it! If you’re still here, well first of all - thank you! Secondly, you’re dang committed. The last item I’m here to chat about is the Heart Pullover from Fox + Wit Boutique. I love that this sweater isn’t a super heavy material, so as the weather warms up, but it’s still cool at night, it’ll be the perfect piece to throw over myself as the night gets chilly. I totally picture this thrown over my Summer 2021 Jilly Box One-Piece Swimsuit and a pair of shorts hanging out around my fiancé’s family cottage this summer!

Update (March 15, 2022): Unfortunately, I’ve actually lost a couple of pom-poms off the sweater, which I’m honestly pretty disappointed by, given the price point. As much as I love this sweater, I can’t say I feel like the quality is there.

WOW, that was a long one! Honestly, I absolutely loved this box. Like, I might even consider it to be in my top 3 favourites. I was really happy that there was a bit of a change up from the typical “fashion” based boxes to more practical, everyday items that I can totally see myself using. I know this box isn’t going to be for everyone, but hey, that’s the beauty of surprises!


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