How I’m Spending My Halloween This Year

Hello all, and welcome back to my blog. It’s the day before Halloween, and it’s wild to think that in just two days, it’s going to be November 1st. This dumpster fire year is coming to a close soon; that being said, if a virgin lights the black flame candle tomorrow night & the Sanderson sisters make a comeback, I’ll consider it the finale to this fantastic year we’ve had (please tell me someone else has seen this meme?).

Like I’ve mentioned again and again and again in my Halloween posts, without trick-or-treaters or anyone being allowed to have house parties or get togethers, I think it’s pretty safe to say most of us are more than likely going to be having a pretty chill Halloween. If you’re planning on going to a party… stop being selfish & stay home. You’re part of the problem & the reason that this virus is thriving. Sorry not sorry; just telling it like it is.

Happy Halloween chalkboard art

So, what am I myself actually doing this Halloween? I’d assume you’d like to know that considering you’re here and that’s the title of this blog. To sum it up - not a whole lot, really. Considering where I live the numbers have really jumped over the last couple of months, I really just plan on staying in, watching some Halloween movies on Disney+ while stuffing my face with candy, and probably hitting the hay pretty early.

Any other year, I’d usually get dressed up and hand out candy to the kiddos who were out trick-or-treating, wrap that up by 8:30-9pm and call it a night. It figures, 2020 had to be the year where we got a Halloween on a Saturday with a full moon & then a global pandemic had to come and ruin it all.

Since I’ve decided I probably won’t really be dressing up this year (and if I do, it’ll be pretty simple), please enjoy a couple of photos of my Halloween costumes from last year (one for work and one for a party); they include the original iPhone & a Pink Lady from Grease.

Girl dressed up as the iPhone, and a man dressed up as Steve Jobs
Girl dressed up as a Pink Lady from Grease

So what are you up to this Halloween? I’d guess that most of us all have relatively similar plans - a whole lot of nothing, with a side of sitting on the couch, watching Halloween movies & eating candy! I hope everyone has a safe Halloween night & we’ll see you next week for a new post - not much longer before the Holiday blog posts begin - Happy Halloween!


Not-So-Spooky Halloween Movies To Watch Tonight


Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas