My May Favourites

I can whole heartedly say that I never thought for a second that when I began writing these monthly favourites posts that I had even an inkling that a vast majority of the items would revolve around what’s helping me get through this quarantine. Like the fact that in My April Favourites post, two of my favourite items were my favourites rosés (a little yikes-worthy, I know) & my diffuser with essential oils to help me relax. I’ve done my best to be open about the fact that I’ve struggled during this time, because it’s perfectly fine to be struggling – you are not yourself during a global pandemic.

I know I’ve mentioned before that I feel like this year is going by quickly (but also kinda slowly, given that we’re all stuck at home), but May really seems to have just gone right by! It’s like January was 400 days long, February was 50 days long, March was 230 days long and then April & May both were 4 days long each, hahahaha! But now, let’s jump into my monthly favourites for the 4-day month of May!:

Staying Cool in the Summer

Dyson Hot + Cool Fan Heater


Summer ended up hitting pretty early where I live this year. When I say “summer hit early, I mean it’s 39°C with the humidity as I’m writing this (if you ask me, this seems pretty on brand for 2020… literal hell). I’m personally someone who doesn’t sleep well when I’m too hot, and of course I have the hottest room in the house (figures, eh?), so last year I invested in a Dyson Hot + Cool Fan Heater to help with air flow in my bedroom, in addition to my ceiling fan & the central air. This fan has been an absolute lifesaver during the warmer months, and particularly has been great at the start of this summer season in keeping my room cool.

While I primarily purchased this as a fan, I ended up choosing this model based on the fact that it’s also a heater, and of course, the same room that is the hottest in the summer, is the coldest in the winter, so this feature really comes in handy, making the Dyson Hot + Cool Fan Heater, though pricey, a good investment item if you find yourself in the same situation.

A Good Book To Get Lost In

You’re Not Special by Meghan Rienks


I’m definitely not a reader. Like, not even in the slightest. It takes a lot for me to be interested in a book (usually, a really cute book cover does it – I know what they say about not judging a book by its cover, but I definitely do quite literally, judge books by their cover, haha). I recently discovered Meghan Rienks through one of my coworkers (shout out to you, Syd!), and I’ve absolutely become obsessed with her. If you know me in real life, you know that I’m just an inappropriate and rude as she can be, and I absolutely love her for it! After watching her YouTube videos, and listening to her podcast, Don’t Blame Me, I knew I had to order her book, You’re Not Special. I’ve been loving sitting outside in the sun on the weekends, drinking my coffee, enjoying the warm summery weather & reading this book. Now, if you’re looking for a PG book, this definitely isn’t for you – it’s most definitely R rated, but it’s been a great read so far, and I can’t recommend it enough, even just for the entertainment factor.

Your New Favourite Phone Case

Twinkle Stardust iPhone XS Max Case

If you thought we were going to get through this list without mentioning something I bought because of Jillian Harris at least once, I’m sorry to say but you are sadly mistaken. No, Jillian’s never openly talked about what phone case she has, but after she posted a few stories where you could see her phone, I fell in love with the case & knew I had to find it, or at least something similar looking to it. Well, call me detective Emily, but I found it and it’s the Twinkle Stardust iPhone Case, which comes in a range of iPhone & Android sizes, and even in Airpods & Airpods Pro cases, so your Airpods can match your iPhone! (Cases are also available in three other colours: Confetti, Rose & Gold) It’s definitely one of (if not, absolutely) my favourite phone cases in my collection, and I haven’t taken it off since I got it last month!

Keep Your Skincare Cool

Flawless Mini Beauty & Skincare Refrigerator

When the skincare fridge hype first started, I wasn’t exactly sold on it. I thought it seemed pretty interesting that you could put your skincare in it so when you apply it to your face, it feels cool, but I wasn’t exactly rushing to find one, adding it to my cart so I could apply my cold moisturizer at the end of the day. Well, I finally gave up and ordered myself the Flawless Mini Beauty & Skincare Refrigerator during this quarantine, and I can confidently now say, these skincare fridges really do live up to the hype, especially for eye creams, serums, moisturizers & facial rollers – there really is no feeling quite like applying my eye cream right before bed & then rolling it out with my rose quartz roller that feels like a little icicle. If you’re a big fan of skincare like I am, you’ll absolutely love how your face feels after applying your skincare regimen from a cold fridge.

A Natural Summertime Glow without the Sun

Luna Bronze Glow Gradual Tanning Moisturizer


If you saw my post on Tuesday, my Summertime Must Haves, you’ll definitely recognize this product. As someone who is very fair skinned, I have never tanned in my life – ever. Okay, well, I can’t say never, exactly… it’s more like I’ve never had a tan that wasn’t originally a really wicked sunburn first. I’ve always been pretty self-conscious about the fact that my legs are so pale that they’re almost a little blinding, particularly in the summer when the sun is extra bright, so when I got the Luna Bronze Glow Gradual Tanning Moisturizer in my spring Jilly Box, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Before receiving it in my Jilly Box, I’m not going to lie, I was pretty skeptical about if it would turn me orange because we all know how self-tanners can be… but, it didn’t, and now I am obsessed. I even ordered another bottle, as well as a tanning lotion! I’ll keep you all posted on how I like the tanning lotion in comparison to this moisturizer.

Healthy & Clean Skin

OLEHENRIKSEN Balance Skincare Line

To finish off my favourite things this month is my skincare line from OLEHENRIKSEN. I’ve talked about my love of the OLEHENRIKSEN Balance Skincare Line plenty of times on this blog before, and I’ll continue to profess my love for it. I’ve got oily, acne-prone skin, and not only does this skincare line keep my face clean, but helps keep my acne under control. Yes, OLEHENRIKSEN products are definitely on the pricey side, but I’ve always been a big advocate for the fact that if you are going to spend money on something, it should be on your skincare. You only have one chance for good skin, and if you miss that chance, you may not be able to get healthy skin back.

Well my friends, that’s it for my list of favourites this month. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, physically distancing, wearing masks & keeping in touch with your family and friends during this time. Since my blog has taken a bit of a backseat as of late, like I mentioned above, follow along on my Instagram to stay up to date, and if anyone is struggling emotionally & mentally like I am, don’t be afraid to reach out & remember to put yourself first! Xo.


 Note: Some links above are commissionable affiliate links.


Father's Day Gift Guide


Summertime Must Haves