My Fall 2022 Bucket List

I know what some of you are thinking, “Emily, it’s only August, stop talking about fall!”. Well, I can’t & nor do I want to, so… no. Sorry! It’s probably pretty apparent that fall is my favourite season, and I count down the days to it every year. I also always joke that my brain runs two months ahead of the calendar — excited for fall in August, Christmas in October, and so on. But, the truth is, fall is truly almost here. In fact, almost a month away, to the date! 35 more days, and I’m going hard on all things fall (and spooky season!), but before I get too ahead of myself, let’s talk about some things that I have on my fall bucket list this year!

01. Live in the Moment

It sounds so simple on paper, but this can be a challenge for me. I get so excited about upcoming events and plans that I sometimes spend too much time being excited about future plans and not enough time enjoying the happiness and fall weather that I’m experiencing in the moment. I always feel like the season flashes before my eyes, so this year, I’d like to slow down & take it all in, one day at a time.

02. Participate in Outdoor Activities

I love, love, LOVE spending time outdoors in the fall. Summer? Too hot. Fall? Just absolutely perfect. Much like I just mentioned above, the season always seems to flash right by, and I always hope to do these things and never do, so this fall I want to schedule the outdoor activities I love, and actually do it. Apple orchards, farms & pumpkin patches, I’m coming for you!

03. Carve a Pumpkin with the Family

Every year, I always buy so many pumpkins (that end up rotting outside… oops), and never do anything with them! I’m hoping I can convince my fiancé that we should carve a pumpkin the night before Halloween, and add a little more of a spooky factor to our space while we sit at home & watch Halloween movies as we do every year!

04. Do Something Special for My Birthday

If you don’t already know, I’m an October baby! I thoroughly believe that I have the best birthday month, and since we’ve been living not-normally the last couple of years, I’m hoping that this year I can do something special for my birthday. What exactly that special thing is, I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something!

05. Take Freddie on Fall Adventures

Somewhat piggy-backing off of the idea of getting outside more this season, I really want to bring Freddie along on some of these outdoor activities! I really love the idea of him experiencing some of my favourite activities during my favourite time of year with us, and I know that the apple orchard & pumpkin patch I always go to allows dogs, so why not, right?!

06. Have a Halloween Movie Marathon Day

Nothing, and I mean nothing gets me in the fall-spirit quite like putting on a Halloween movie (and when I say Halloween movie, I mean one from my childhood — I love a good nostalgic throwback), making a cup of pumpkin coffee & getting cuddled up under a blanket on the couch with the windows wide open. Ideally, it’d be raining too, but hey, I can’t get everything I want, right? What better way to get into the season than spending a Saturday having a movie marathon? (I’m looking at you, Halloweentown series!)

07. Schedule Down-Time

I’m the first to admit, I’m a busy bee. I have a hard time settling down. In fact, I challenged myself this weekend to not to do any work Friday night & I spent the entire night battling getting ahead on blog work. Though this one isn’t necessarily super fall-specific, I want to schedule more down-time in my life so I can enjoy the other things on this list.

08. Get Married!

Last, but certainly not least, get married! I don’t know if this really counts as a bucket list item, but it’s hard to believe that we’re about to enter fall which means my wedding is almost here?! It still feels like a dream… I haven’t fully wrapped my head around the fact that I’m going to be a wife? I’m going to have a HUSBAND!?! Regardless, I cannot wait!

There you have it! My fall 2022 bucket list, though I’m sure I’ve probably missed a few things and then I’ll think about it later and go “I should’ve added that to my fall bucket list”, but hey — it is what it is, right?


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