Plastic-Free July: 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Use of Plastics

Plastic-Free July. Some of you may have heard of it, and others may not. I only discovered plastic-free July a few years ago when Jillian Harris wrote a blog about it and my eyes were opened to so many facts particularly about single use plastics. I say I would’ve considered myself a pretty environmentally conscious person, but I was definitely fooled into thinking that plastics were being recycled when really, most plastics that we put into our recycling bins don’t end up being recycled, and depending on the city you live in, you could even be putting in plastic items that aren’t eligible.

So you may be wondering, what exactly can you do? The obvious answer is reduce or completely eliminate plastics from your life. I’m very much an all or nothing person, so the automatic response for me was to eliminate them entirely, but frankly, it’s really not the easiest thing to the average person, of which I am. It’s possible, yes, but things like finances & accessibility can be an issue. It’s really not cheap to be environmentally friendly — there’s a lot of upfront costs, and because they’re not produced using the cheapest materials, these eco-conscious items can be expensive. Here are some ways that I’m realistically reducing my use and consumption of plastics.

Plastic-Free Tip No. 1

Purchase a Compostable Phone Case

To start with, I’ll admit I’m not perfect when it comes to this one – I most definitely have plastic phone cases that I use, however the option to purchase compostable & biodegradable phone cases is now readily available. You can purchase compostable phone cases for just about any phone model from companies like Pela Case, Casetify & The Dairy, to name a few.

Plastic-Free Tip No. 2

Using Glass Containers with Bamboo Lids

Yes, this item is a bit more of an investment than the glass containers that come with the plastic lids from the grocery store, but in the long run, the point is trying to reduce your plastics, right?! Invest a little bit more into some bamboo lids since they are made from a natural material, and in the long run, can be responsibly thrown away at the end of their life.

Plastic-Free Tip No. 3

Carry Reusable Produce & Shopping Bags

Seems obvious, I know, but it really does help. If finances are tight for you, and you just don’t have the money to spend on reusable produce & shopping bags, you can even just forget the bags entirely! If you have produce that must go in a bag, use the paper bags by the bulk mushrooms, and when you cash out, just load your groceries back in your cart and bring a box or laundry basket from home to put your items in!

Plastic-Free Tip No. 4

Purchase Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Though this one can be a little difficult to avoid, there are products out there that can help you to reduce the amount of plastic you’re throwing into your recycling bin. I like to try to purchase cleaning products that can be refilled at my local eco-conscious store. However, I am aware that not everyone has access to this kind of option, so purchasing things that can either be reused, refilled or properly recycled are other fantastic plastic-reducing options.

Plastic-Free Tip No. 5

Always Bring a Reusable Mug or Cup

Ahhh yes, the one we always hear about — reusable mugs & cups! If I think about just how many times I refill my water bottle, or grab another cup of coffee in a day, and consider if those were single use items being thrown away each time, I cringe a bit. As the world is starting to head back to a more “normal” where people will be commuting again, going back into an office & meeting up with friends for coffee, don’t forget to bring your reusable mugs and cups. You may think those paper coffee cups can be recycled, but think about it — the inside is plasticized so the drink won’t leak through!

Those are the five realistic ways I’ve been able to reduce my use of plastics. If these aren’t all accessible to you, the one I can most highly recommend would be just not using plastic produce or shopping bags at all, and bringing an item like a box or bin you already have from home!

Until next time, Emily

* Note: Links and linked products featured in this blog post are commissionable links. Should you purchase a product with these links, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.


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