Stay Cozy in These Sweaters this Winter!

One item that I’m just an absolute sucker for every time I step foot into a store is sweaters. My closet is filled to the brim with them, and I even have some that are completely Christmas inspired (here’s looking at you, hipster reindeer sweater). With winter quickly approaching, all I can think about and online shop for is the coziest sweaters and I just had to share all of the amazing finds with you! Who knows, I may even buy a few myself… (I did).

Holiday Inspired Sweaters

The only thing I love more than a good cozy sweater is a cozy sweater that has a cute little holiday pattern or theme to it! And while, yes, I do also love ugly Christmas sweaters, holiday inspired doesn’t necessarily mean you have to throw on the ugliest sweater from your dad’s closet.

Pull Overs & Cable Knits

Whenever I think about a big cozy sweater, bundled up by the fire, I instantly think of a cable knit. Not only is it so comfortable and cozy, but they look amazing too, and can be styled so many ways! With jeans, a skirt, over a dress. I think it’s hands down the most versatile sweater type in my closet.

Cozy Cardigans

One thing that I’ve gotten really into again this winter season is a good cardigan. I went through a time where I wasn’t super into cardigans, and though I can’t pinpoint exactly why I felt that way, I’m just happy I’m back to it. In fact, I just picked up this super comfy oversized cardigan from Aerie recently and I pretty much live in it at home now!

Sherpas, Ponchos & Vests

Yes, believe it or not, PONCHOS are back in style. I could hardly believe my eyes when I came upon a bunch of ponchos while I was scouring the internet for some affordable but cute options to add to this blog post. Did anyone else live in ponchos in the early 2000s?! I was obsessed, really, and I’m so glad they’re back!

So, I think it’s safe to say I’m a sucker for a good cozy sweater, huh? What kind of sweater is your favourite? I used to say cable knits or pull overs, but lately I’ve been absolutely loving cardigans, and I’m so obsessed with my new one I just got!


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