My Favourite Outdoor Fall Activities

Happy September everyone! Wow, 2022 really has felt a bit like a dream because it’s gone by so fast. I know I say that every single year & month, but there’s something about 2022 that seems to just not be standing still. I could’ve sworn only a few weeks ago was January 2022, and now, here we are, only 19 days away from the start of the fall season! Speaking of, let’s get on the topic of this post — outdoor fall activities. If you read my blog post My Fall 2022 Bucket List, you’ll know that getting outside & doing fall activities is one of the items on my bucket list this year. Well, in this post, I’m going to share all of those activities I want to do, and maybe even inspire you to do some of these things with your family too.

A bushel of apples on an apple tree branch.

01. Go to an Apple Orchard

This is probably the one activity that I usually end up doing every year because I enjoy it so much! Funny thing is, I don’t actually eat apples, at least not raw. Unfortunately, I’m one of those people that has an intolerance to the enzyme in the skins of apples that makes you extremely itchy, (boo!) so I just go to partake the activity, pick some apples for my family to enjoy (or maybe I’ll bake with them) & this year, I’ll get to watch Freddie have a great time too! The only downside is the wasps are generally really bad because they’re attracted to the sugar in the apples. I’m definitely scared of wasps, but I usually can push through it!

A woman smiling while standing in tall stalks of corn.

02. Get Lost in a Corn Maze

I only did a corn maze for the first time back in 2019, and even though I had a blast, I definitely started to panic a bit because I couldn’t seem to find my way out! Of course, deep down I knew I wasn’t stuck in there, so I didn’t totally lose it. All of this being said, I’d absolutely do a corn maze again! It was a lot of fun, and quite honestly, gave my friends & I a nice opportunity to just chat, take some photos away from crowds of people, and not feel so rushed. Plus, it was a nice break from the wasps going after me (ugh).

A woman standing in a pumpkin patch, holding a small pumpkin straight out in front of her.

03. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

The classic symbol of fall – pumpkins. I’m that girl that the moment pumpkins are available at the store, I’m trying to buy them (even though I know it’s still too hot), but I can’t help myself, pumpkins just bring a smile to my face, so of course visiting a pumpkin patch is at the top of my fall activities list. That being said, I do have some tips for you if you plan to go!:

  1. Have someone with you who is really strong, can walk a long distance in mud with a heavy pumpkin, wearing something that they don’t really care about.

  2. Bring a wagon, if you can to put the big pumpkin(s) in.

  3. OR, just pick a small, lightweight pumpkin in the patch, and get your bigger one from the pre-picked pile. (The farm I went to before had wheel barrows & wagons you could use to bring the pumpkins to the cash & to your car in the pre-picked area by the entrance)

A tree-covered trail with light green & orange leaves on the trees & some on the ground.

04. Go on a Scenic Hike

Last, but definitely not least, going for a hike! This is actually one of my favourite things to do in the fall because not only is it a great way to disconnect from social media for a little while if you want to, but when you go with your partner, friends, family, whoever, it gives you an opportunity to really talk. Now that we have Freddie, it’s also a great way to change up his walks and make them more interesting for him.

A small pumpkin with a wire sign pushed into it that says "boo".

Now, I’m sure most of you reading this have done these things before, and know that they are great, but if not, I hope there’s some new ideas in this for you to try or check out. I’m also sure some of you noticed that I didn’t include any haunted hay rides, or anything spooky season things; that’s because I don’t like scary activities. I love Halloween, don’t get me wrong, but I will never sleep again if I do “haunted” anything, so don’t expect to see any of that kind of content here, haha!

Until next time, Emily

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